The very wet summers that left Brits moaning from 2007-2012 could have been the result of excessive Arctic ice melting, which shifted the jet stream further south than usual, according to a new study by Dr. James Screen of the University of Exeter.
Screen’s study, published in Environmental Research Letters, used a computer model to probe the relationship between sea ice retreat and northwest European summer climate.
“The results of the computer model suggest that melting Arctic sea ice causes a change in the position of the jet stream and this could help to explain the recent wet summers we have seen,” said Screen.
“The study suggests that loss of sea ice not only has an effect on the environment and wildlife of the Arctic region but has far reaching consequences for people living in Europe and beyond.”
The model predicts that alongside rainfall increases in Europe’s north, the south could see less rain.
Read the study here.
Tom Savage
Models = science?
David R. (Canada)
More nonsense! Satellite pictures of the N. Pole show that the ice sheet has increased in size over the last 2-3 years.
This “global-warming”, or “climate-change” as it’s being called now, BS, has to stop.
Anyone spouting this nonsense will not be taken seriously by better informed people.
Re. the below posts:
F16JetJock has the problem of climate change hysteria summed up perfectly.
Guest is obviously a accolyte of the religion of Man Made Global Warming – he/she needs no scientific proof only blind faith in computer models (games ?).
Groundbreaker – are you for or against the religion of MMGW ? As a fellow minerals geologist I too use models but they are carefully constructed from millions of man-years of geological observation by GEOLOGISTS NOT generated by computer geeks using information from a rag-tag bunch of “climate scientists (whatever THEY are ???).
My advice – eat, drink and be merry……….and don’t have any kids yourself (tips hat to Phillip Larkin).
As the Arctic Ice is Expanding, the Polar Bear groups are larger than ever, and we seem to be on the entry point of a minor (mini) Ice Age……….Computer models are great …..BUT GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT.