Column: Global seaborne iron ore had a good 2024, but it’s all China
The world's imports increased a modest 3.6% to a record high in 2024, however the boost was nearly totally driven by China.
Below is a screen capture from the latest interactive panorama released by NASA.
It was assembled from 817 images taken between Dec. 21, 2011, and May 8, 2012, while Opportunity was stationed on an outcrop informally named ‘Greeley Haven’ on a segment of the rim of ancient Endeavour Crater.
In 1999, Nasa actually did some prelimenary research on how to mine Mars where the soil is made up of 5% to 14% iron oxide or in the words of the lead researchers “almost ore-grade material.”
“A metal-making process known to the ancient Romans could be pressed into service to bring Mars into the Iron Age – and start opening the solar system to human habitation,” the space agency said.
jeff fox
Man u guys move slow it only dawns on ya now greedy buggers never mind the fact everyone complains of over population an no wheres to go but oooo we found somethin to sell so now its worth it especially since theres plenty of plabets to live on shoulda tried that a long time ago we would be further ahead by now greed slows everything down all the time for progress
Dan O.
Go Mars, young man! I like it. Iron & water are already there. We’ve waited for so long to be invaded but they never came down to us. Now it looks like we’re finally going up there: 2035 should see the first humans descending on the surface of the Red Planet.