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Moly Mines secures $494m loan from China Development Bank

Moly Mines Ltd (MOL.TO: Quote) (MOL.AX: Quote) said it got loans totalling $494 million from China Development Bank Corp(CDB) for the construction of its Spinifex Ridge molybdenum and copper project in Western Australia. The miner said the loans will include a $454 million syndicated loan. CDB will also provide the company with a $40 million working capital loan.

Grupo Mexico, Asarco union extend existing contract for 2 years

Grupo Mexico and miners at its U.S. copper mining unit Asarco agreed to extend their existing contract for two more years, the Mexican company said in a statement on Tuesday. The contract covers 2,100 workers at Asarco's operations in Arizona and Texas and will now be valid until 2013.

Alcoa disputes Romney quote on labor board

Alcoa officials and business leaders dismissed an assertion from GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney earlier this week that a federal labor board’s actions could threaten jobs at the Alcoa plant in Iowa. “No, we don’t see that happening,” Alcoa spokesman Michael Belwood told The Des Moines Register just before President Barack Obama’s visit to Bettendorf Tuesday. Photo of Mitt Romney 2008 campaign rally is from Wikipedia.

Australian mining industry 83 pct foreign-owned

Australia's mining iAustralia's mining industry -- the main driver of the booming economy -- is 83 percent foreign-owned, according to a study released by the country's Greens party Wednesday. The report, conducted by a private consultant commissioned by the Greens, said that in the next five years Aus$50 billion (US$53 billion) in profits from Australian mining operations would go offshore.ndustry -- the main driver of the booming economy -- is 83 percent foreign-owned, according to a study released by the country's Greens party Wednesday. The report, conducted by a private consultant commissioned by the Greens, said

Scotiabank’s Mohr forecasts copper demand rebound in second half of 2011

Moderately lower base metals, molybdenum, uranium and silver prices more than offset stronger gold, potash and cobalt prices in May, lowering the Scotiabank Commodity Price Index by 2.3% last month. LME copper prices eased from US$4.30 per pound in April to $4.05 per pound in May "and are still exceptionally lucrative at US$4.08 in late June," noted Scotiabank economist Patricia Mohr.

Canada oil sands now worth more than coal, crude and gas combined

The value of Canada's oilsands grew by 2,220% to $441bn from $19bn between 1990 and 2009, according to a Statistics Canada study released on Tuesday. That put the value of crude bitumen from the oilsands higher than the value of coal, crude oil and natural gas combined. In 1990, oil sands reserves under active development amounted to around 500m cubic metres; by 2008, they had increased eight-fold to 4,300m cubic metres, thanks to improvements in extraction technology, new discoveries and an increase in the global demand for crude oil.