Shares of nickel producer Talvivaara (LON:TALV) dropped down over 10% on Friday over reports the firm had failed to solve a waste water leak at a nickel and zinc mine in eastern Finland, where nuclear safety officials confirmed to have radioactive uranium levels 50 times higher or more than normal volumes.
Australian miners in the western part of the country are allegedly turning to a new version of the synthetic drug known as Venom, which is made with chemicals imported from China.
Australia's Lynas Corp (ASX:LYC) won Thursday the latest of a series of long-dragged legal battles against activists, which took the company to court for allegedly causing major health and environmental damages to the Malaysian population.
Vancouver-based Baja Mining Corp. (TSX: BAJ) announced this morning that it has landed two extensions of a standstill agreement with lenders to its Minera y Metalúrgica del Boleo S.A. de C.V. subsidiary.
Molycorp Inc. (NYSE:MCP), one of the only non-Chinese producers of rare earths, has sued the engineering company responsible for designing the chemical processes at its troubled Project Phoenix for over $45 million in damages.