TABLE: China's copper demand grew 11-fold in 15 years – the rest of the world shrunk. Sans China, the nickel market would've barely broken a million tonnes.
The project, known as Laguna Verde, is located in the country’s north, known for its vast salt flats under which experts say there is enough of the commodity to supply the world for decades.
A nickel spike found in sediments above the spot where a giant asteroid hit the Earth some 66 million years ago, may help scientists trace segments of the celestial body that wiped out dinosaurs and 75% of all organisms on the planet.
Russian-Canadian Vera Kirikova will become human resources group executive while Simone Niven will assume the corporate relations group executive post.
With fluctuating commodity prices, the top priorities for Canadian miners next year will be capital allocation, strategic deal making and employing new technology and innovations, a report shows.