Cobalt, nickel still on the boil, but gloomier outlook reflected in copper price and fall in market value of top mining companies during first quarter.
BMI presents the recent changes to the DRC’s mining code as an example of a situation that challenges all the parties involved, but that is very unlikely to cloud miners’ interest in venturing in the country.
Nelson Pizarro, who took the post in 2014, has played a critical role in the drive to reduce spending and force a reduction in costs, while kicking off a major overhaul of Codelco’s aging mines to deal with dwindling ore grades.
A Mongolian former finance minister, Bayartsogt Sangajav, has been arrested as part of an investigation into suspected abuse of power during investment talks for the giant Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in 2009.
New lab discovery uses molybdenum to solve problems of lithium sulphur batteries, doing away with nickel and cobalt for cheaper, lighter, safer technology.