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Tempers flare again over New Prosperity mine

Pro-and anti-mining forces are clashing once again over a proposed copper-gold mine in northern BC. On Monday Taseko Mines, the proponent of the New Prosperity mining project, said it has started legal action against people it alleges have obstructed preparations at the minesite. In response, the Tsilhqot’in Nation filed an injunction against the company "to halt its plans for extensive road-building, drilling, excavation of test pits, and timber clearing in support of its unprecedented and controversial resubmitted bid for approval of its soundly rejected Prosperity Mine project," the Tsilhqot’in, which represents six First Nations, stated in a press release.

Klondex Mines Ltd. announces Can$21,000,000 equity financing

Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX: KDX) ("Klondex Mines" or the "Company") announced today that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters lead by GMP Securities L.P. and including Mackie Research Capital Corporation, Jones, Gable & Company Ltd. and Fraser Mackenzie Limited (the "Underwriters"), pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase 8,400,000 units (the "Units") of the Company, at a price of C$2.50 per Unit (the "Offering Price") for aggregate gross proceeds to Klondex Mines of C$21,000,000.00 (the "Offering").

Goldcorp gets construction approval for Eleonore

Goldcorp said on Monday that the Quebec government has given the green light to its Eleonore project, allowing Canada's second largest gold producer to start full construction at the mine in Northern Quebec. The project, which is located in the James Bay region of Quebec, is expected to boost Goldcorp's output by 600,000 ounces of gold a year, with cash costs under $400 per ounce.

Ivanhoe Mines announces financial results and review of operations for the third quarter of 2011

Overall construction at Oyu Tolgoi continues to advance on budget and reached a 54.4% level of completion at the end of Q3'11. Key elements of the project, including the concentrator complex, primary crusher and tailings-thickening ponds, remain ahead of schedule. Total capital invested in the project to the end of Q3'11 was approximately $3.2 billion. Facilities required for first ore production in mid-2012 remain on schedule and commercial production is expected to commence in the first half of 2013.

Archaeologists wanted in Elko, Nevada

NPR profiles Elko Nevada, a town that is located besides Barrick's Goldstrike Mine and doesn't quite believe its good luck. Many residents are still planning for an end to the gold boom; meanwhile the mine keeps throwing off more money and more jobs, and the residents take advantage while they can. Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX) has plans to hire thousands of more workers, ranging from engineers to mechanics

Indians switch to bars and coins as festival jewellery sales plummet 25 – 30%

The Economic Times reports gold and diamond jewellery sales across India fell by 25-30% in grammage terms during Diwali due to rising gold prices and a noticeable shift to coins and bars, said a leading industry body which represents 300 000 jewellers. India is world's number one gold jewellery market and the sales figures can be seen as a setback for the industry. In August the World Gold Council said despite a higher gold price, Indian demand grew 38% during Q2 2011 compared to the same period of 2010 and will continue to expand for the rest of the year.

Radioactive sludge seeping from hundreds of Johannesburg mines compared to Chernobyl

Business Times reports thousands of people face evacuation from greater Johannesburg in the Gauteng province – the economic heartland of South Africa – due to toxic sludge from abandoned gold mines laced with high radiation levels. Acid mine water, the result of groundwater flowing through underground shafts, is decanting from an old uranium mine and rising by half a metre a day beneath the city of 7 million people. Mass evacuation of informal settlements is one of several recommendations in a government-commissioned plan drafted in June to deal with 380 acid mine dumps – many of them radioactive – left over from more than century of underground mining. Uranium is often mined as a byproduct of gold in South Africa.

Nautilus now has $155 million kitty and all its green permits for undersea mine

Nautilus, the first company to explore the ocean floor for polymetallic seafloor massive sulphide deposits, announced on Friday it has completed the quarter with a cash balance of $155.1 million, after successfully raising $70.5 million in the first tranche of a $98.1 million capital raising. The final tranche of C$27.6 million was received in October. The capital raising involved the issue of approximately 39 million shares at C$2.52 per share. Nautilus is developing its first project at Solwara 1, in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea, where it is aiming to produce gold, copper and silver. The company has been granted all necessary environmental and mining permits. Nautilus also holds approximately 600,000 square kilometers of highly prospective exploration acreage in the western Pacific, in PNG, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga, as well as in international waters in the eastern Pacific.