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52 weeks USD/ozt
Low 1820.31 | High 2524.67
Last Close: Sep 04, 2024 02:21:27 UTC


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LME says sell-out decision February as 2011 contracts value surges 33% to $15 trillion

Reuters reports the London Metal Exchange has been approached by several   potential bidders and will consider takeover proposals in late February according to its CEO. The LME handles some 80% of global trade in metals futures and a takeover will help the the 134-year old trading floor to compete against rapidly-expanding Asian metal trading hubs.

Gold Mourning, Vietnam: Government inflicted gold export duty affects dealers not miners

According to a report released today on, gold dealers in Vietnam are feeling the pinch of export restrictions levied at the end of 2010. Due to regulations regarding the purity of bullion and jewelry, these dealers are being squeezed by a 10% export duty that’s imposed on gold bullion with a purity of 99.99% and gold jewelry with a purity of 80%.