Colombia to require environmental permits for exploration Companies operating in Colombia currently need environmental permission only for the extraction and production phases of projects. Cecilia Jamasmie | September 12, 2022 | 6:59 am
Venezuela pushes out small gold miners as Maduro seeks more revenue President Nicolas Maduro has been striking deals with bigger miners, seeking more production and more revenue for the treasury. Reuters | September 12, 2022 | 6:50 am
Zinc turns out to be key to efficient organic solar cells OSCs are considered the future of photovoltaics. Staff Writer | September 12, 2022 | 6:06 am
Ivanhoe, Gecamines kick off construction at Kipushi zinc mine in DRC On care and maintenance since 1993, Kipushi will be one of the world's highest-grade zinc mines when it begins production in 2024. Cecilia Jamasmie | September 12, 2022 | 3:43 am
Chilean think-tank says Codelco pays more taxes but extracts less copper than private companies Chile’s Center for National Studies of Alternative Development reports that while private mining paid $3.5 billion in taxes, Codelco paid $5.3 billion. Staff Writer | September 11, 2022 | 1:22 pm
Ancient remains found at Glencore’s project in Argentina A worker at Glencore’s El Pachón project in Argentina bumped into human remains while performing some road cleaning duties. Staff Writer | September 11, 2022 | 11:38 am
South Africa mine dam wall collapses, killing one and injuring 40 The disaster occurred in the diamond mining town of Jagersfontein. Reuters | September 11, 2022 | 9:56 am
China plans more moon missions after finding new lunar mineral Named Changesite-(Y), it was described by the state-run Xinhua news agency as a kind-of colorless transparent columnar crystal. Bloomberg News | September 11, 2022 | 9:51 am
Diamond-formation process inside earth’s core unveiled Researchers have found that due to the conditions of the core-mantle boundary carbon comes out of a liquid iron-metal alloy and forms diamonds. Staff Writer | September 11, 2022 | 7:10 am