Lonmin strikers given 24 hour reprieve

Lonmin plc said on Monday its Marikana platinum operations in the NorthWest province of South Africa had resumed after about a third of its 28,000-strong workforce reported for their shifts.

BBC reports however that Lonmin executive vice-president for mining Mark Munroe said that “for all intents and purposes” no ore had been produced at the mine on Monday.

The Marikana complex was shut for more than a week after the deaths off 44 people including policemen, guards and workers. The most shocking violence occurred on Thursday when police shot and killed 34 workers.

Contrary to earlier reports the London-based miner said employees who did not show up for work today would not face the sack, but that the deadline for striking workers – mostly rock-drill operators – has been moved to tomorrow (Tuesday).

THe RDOs are asking for the minimum wage to be increased from R4,000 (just under $500) to R12,500 ($1,540).