Kicked out of small town motels, Australia’s ‘coal girls’ resort to RV parks

Rural communities in Australia’s mineral-rich states are unhappy about the many working girls following highly-paid miners into their small towns.

The local newspaper of one tiny settlement, Mackay, reports motel and hotel owners in the region are kicking out prostitutes using their rooms to ply their trade.

It is legal for women to work as sole operators in Australia provided they don’t solicit in public and one so-called “coal-girl” recently sought $30,000 compensation through the Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal for economic loss from a hotel who told her to leave.

The Mackay Daily Mercury quotes a prostitute who goes by the name “Tiffany”:

“I know of women (prostitutes) who have bought Winnebagos and caravans – but even getting a booking at a caravan park is hard.”

Tiffany also believes sex crime will rise when working girls are forced out of Mackay:

“You can’t stick thousands of men in a town for a long period of time without very many women and expect there won’t be issues.”

The Courier Mail reported in November fly-in, fly-out “working girls” travelling from as far away as New Zealand to the remote mining regions of Queensland and Western Australia are making as much as $2,000 a day from mine labourers.