Along with representatives from other global manufacturers and suppliers of polymers, Kemira's Mick Bower will lend his experience and insight to the fundamentals of coagulation and flocculation applied to paste thickening, as well as conventional uses and methods of application.
" /> reports
Along with representatives from other global manufacturers and suppliers of polymers, Kemira's Mick Bower will lend his experience and insight to the fundamentals of coagulation and flocculation applied to paste thickening, as well as conventional uses and methods of application.
" /> Kemira Mienrals Holds Pre-PASTE Workshop on Polymers - MINING.COM

Kemira Mienrals Holds Pre-PASTE Workshop on Polymers

Kemira Minerals and Metals will be holding a one-day workshop on polymers preceding the 3-day PASTE seminar in Sun City, South Africa this April, reports

Along with representatives from other global manufacturers and suppliers of polymers, Kemira’s Mick Bower will lend his experience and insight to the fundamentals of coagulation and flocculation applied to paste thickening, as well as conventional uses and methods of application.