Kasachstan retreading facility is now in full operation

In 2008 Rösler finalized with one of the worlds largest copper mining companies, Kazakhmys, the contract to install a turn key retreading facility for Kazakhmys’ underground and open pit opera-tions in Kazakhstan.

In only 18 months Rösler and Kazakhmys have been able to build, from the ground up, a new re-treading facility in Zhezkazgan, near Kazakhmys’ operations. The facility has been in full produc-tion mode since December of last year and retreading tyres in the sizes of 25 inches and up to 33.00R51 with the option on 57″.

To secure the same quality Rösler is known for around the world, a team of 3 retreading special-ists are based in Kazakhstan on a continuous basis to supervise production.
Tyres retreaded in the Zhezkazgan facility are now in operation.