Jura Cement’s Mills Benefit from ABB’s Award Winning Expert Optimizer

Expert Optimizer 5.0 is successfully applying Model Predictive Control to Jura Cement’s vertical raw mill and cement ball mill at the Wildegg plant.

Baden, Switzerland, June 4, 2008 – ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has successfully completed installation and commissions of its Expert Optimizer solutions at Jura Cement’s Wildegg plant in Switzerland. Version 5.0 of Expert Optimizer was installed on Wildegg’s mills for raw material and cement at the end of 2007. The raw mill is a vertical mill and the cement mill is a three chamber ball mill. Secondary commissioning was completed at the beginning of May 2008. ABB’s Juliano Arantes, the commissioning engineer for Expert Optimizer at Wildegg, said “The cement mill is quite unusual as it’s a central discharge mill with three chambers, but Expert Optimizer’s graphical modeling capabilities allowed us to nicely represent this new configuration. The solution is bringing good results and high run times”….more at ABB