AME JV video: Nuvau sees multiple gold exploration opportunities in Matagami in Quebec

A view of the Bracemac McLeod mine and mill in Quebec’s Matagami region, which Glencore operated until 2022. Credit: NuVau Minerals.

Nuvau Minerals (TSX: NMC) is planning to step up exploration work this year on its Matagami property in northern Quebec, CEO Peter Van Alphen says in a new video.

Matagami, the site of a former Glencore (LSE: GLEN) zinc mine, covers about 1,300 sq. km and offers multiple gold exploration opportunities, Van Alphen said in a recent interview at the AME Roundup conference in Vancouver. About 10.6 million tonnes of minerals sit on the property, he said.

“There is a large portion of the property that is essentially underexplored,” Van Alphen said. “We can be exploring there for decades.”

Van Alphen spoke with Henry Lazenby, The Northern Miner‘s Western editor. Watch the full conversation below. Joint venture videos are paid-for content in arrangement with The Northern Miner.


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