John Paulson’s funds look great, other than the gold one

John Paulson told clients last week that he would not personally invest any more money into his gold fund, according to Bloomberg.

Paulson also couldn’t forsee an uptick to inflation that might spur gold.

Paulson’s self-named PFR Gold Fund is down 63% year to date. At the start of the year Paulson had $1 billion of his own money in the fund, a stake now worth $370 million.

Outside of gold, Paulson’s funds showed success with year-to-date returns of 15% to 45%, reported the Wall Street Journal. Paulson’s best performer was the recovery fund with investments in hotels and insurance.

On a rare television appearance on CNBC this past summer Paulson touted the overall performance of his funds.

“In 2013, you know we are having a very strong year,” said Paulson.

“We get a lot attention for the gold fund, which is down because gold prices are down but the gold fund is only 2% of our assets. The rest of our funds are very profitable.”


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