Iran, world powers clinch nuclear deal

After lengthy negotiations, six world powers reached a deal with Iran early Sunday morning to limit the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, potentially bringing Iran out of isolation from the international community.

Israel, Iran’s nemesis, was quick to denounce the agreement, calling it “an historic mistake.”

Though a number of US senators and congressmen from both major parties also expressed concerns, it’s expected that US lawmakers will give Obama’s deal some breathing room before taking action.

The deal is does not require ratification by the US Congress, having been signed under force of executive authority.

“For the first time in a decade, we have halted the progress of the Iranian nuclear program and key parts of the program will be rolled back.”

“Iran has committed to halting certain levels of enrichment and neutralizing part of its stockpiles.’

“Iran cannot use it next generation centrifuges, which are used for enriching uranium. Iran cannot install or start up new centrifuges.”

“Iran will halt work at its plutonium reactor and new inspection will provide extensive access to Iran’s nuclear facilities and allow the international community to verify whether Iran is keeping its commitments.”