Iran permission to sell uranium, other nuclear products imminent — report

Iran permission to sell uranium, other nuclear products imminent — reportIran could be selling nuclear materials such as uranium and heavy water to other countries by September if a deal is reached in negotiations with the international leaders in Vienna, multiple news outlets report.

According to Russian news website Tass, details of an imminent deal may be unveiled as early as the end of the day Monday.

The potential historic agreement could resolve a 12-year dispute over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. The country has hold talks in recent months with the U.S., Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China over how it would curb sensitive nuclear activities for more than a decade in exchange for sanctions relief.

But over the past two weeks, negotiations were deadlocked on the issue of Iranian arms and missile trade, with the deadline for completing a long-term agreement being extended twice.

Under a framework agreement reached in April, Iran would mothball most of its centrifuges that enrich uranium, slash its seven tonne-plus stockpile of low-enriched uranium to just 300kg and convert to research use a heavy water reactor capable of making plutonium, another bomb material.

In return, the U.S., UN and EU would progressively lift sanctions that have strangled the Iranian economy, especially since they were tightened decisively in 2012.

Even if a final deal is announced today, the U.S. Congress has up to 60 days to either ratify or reject it.

Image courtesy of Yale Journal of International Affairs. 
