Intellection and Bruker collaborate

Bruker AXS, one of the world leading manufacturers of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray spectrometry equipment, and mineral analysis technology company Intellection have established a new strategic collaboration agreement which builds on the strong existing OEM relationship between the companies. Under this agreement, Intellection will expand its range of products and services, directly supplying XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and XRD systems from Bruker AXS to its customers. This will allow both companies to develop highly competitive global sales strategies.

“Intellection’s own technological credentials are impeccable, with our QEMSCAN­ solutions the international market leader across the resources sector,” said Intellection CEO Calvin Treacy. “Bruker’s XRD and XRF technologies complement QEMSCAN analysis, making them an excellent business fit for us. The Bruker XFlash­ SD detector currently forms part of our solution, and has delivered outstanding performance and reliability.”

X-ray analysis is one of the most advanced analytical techniques for process and quality control in the minerals industry. It is well established as a market leader for its accuracy and precision, ease of use, simple and fast sample preparation, and its high grade of automation and integration into any process control strategy.

“The combination of fast, accurate particle analysis and identification technology provided by Intellection with Bruker AXS’ X-ray diffraction, powered by the unique and unmatched TOPAS data evaluation software, is the most powerful method available for quantitative phase analysis in the fields of minerals and mining,” claimed Bruker AXS Executive Vice President Dr Frank Burgaezy.

The new strategic collaboration will see Intellection and Bruker AXS undertake joint product development projects to add value to both companies’ technologies.