Wheaton Precious CFO Gary Brown to step down
Vincent Lau will take over the CFO role after serving as Wheaton's vice president of finance for more than a decade.
FWCanada published an infographic showing the types of skilled workers it will need.
Canada is anticipated to have the fifth-largest construction market by 2020.
An estimated 320 000 labourers in skilled trades will be in demand and half of this demand is expected to be met by foreign-trained workers.
how pathetic our own Canadians cant even get work and we need more immigrates
Dr. Michael L. Bakalinsky
You simply do not have enough human resources, with first nationals thinking only about their rights and territories…
Complete and total self serving baloney!!
Canada has -officially – 8% unemployment. We want ot impeort workers becauseforeign workers will , work for less, be more docile and subservient, and not demand career and promotion opportunities like Canadian workers.