Industry experts discuss growing minerals demand in committee hearing

The US House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing last week on “America’s Metals and Mineral Security,” which pressed for legislation to secure the domestic supply of materials necessary for energy development and economic growth.

The hearing consisted of a panel of witnesses whose expertise ranged from manufacturing and mining to defense systems and technology.

The country’s National Mining Association industry group said it was encouraged by the hearing as it showed a “growing recognition among policymakers, industry leaders and security experts that America needs a strong and stable supply of domestic minerals.”

“With better access to the $6.2 trillion worth of raw materials found right here in the United States – including copper, gold, silver, zinc, beryllium, iron ore and platinum group metals – manufacturers would find greater incentive to return to our shores,” the NMA said.

“Recognizing this opportunity, a diverse group of 38 companies and organizations, representing nearly every sector of the American economy, recently asked Congress to send critical minerals legislation to President Barack Obama for his signature,” it said.

Watch the video of the hearing here.