Impact Silver expands Capire deposit, Mexico

Impact  Silver Corp.  announced  on Wednesday additional drill results for the planned open pit Capire mine in the 200-square-kilometer Mamatla Mineral District, in central Mexico.

Results from this expansion drilling have begun to outline additional mineralization to the north and southeast beyond the limits of the previously defined Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources totaling 7.2 million ounces silver, 30,446 ounces gold, 95.6 million lbs zinc and 37.2 million lbs lead.

The Capire Project is in the mine planning and permitting stage with initial pilot plant production scheduled to start in late 2011. Production plans at Capire are to first install a 200-tonne-per-day pilot plant (already purchased) to optimize mining and processing parameters toward planning for a larger operation in the future.

Surface rights for all mining areas, tailings dam and the processing plant have been acquired. Condemnation drilling under the plant site, tailings dam and rock waste piles has been completed in preparation for mine and plant construction. When in production, Capire will be the Company’s fourth active mining operation and represents a new production district.

The orientation and shallow depth from surface of the mineralization will allow for open pit mining of a portion of the zone. The project is located 16 kilometers southwest of the Company’s other active mining and processing operations in the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District.

Wojtek Jakubowski, P. Geo., a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical content of this news release.

Impact Silver Corp. is a profitable silver-focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at the 423-square-kilometer Royal Mines of Zacualpan District, the adjacent 200-square-kilometer Mamatla Mineral District which includes the Capire Mine Development Project and a portfolio of projects with an operational processing plant at Zacatecas.

Additional information including drill plans can be found on the company website at



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