Mapping the transformation of global nuclear energy

How the global nuclear power industry is transformingA recent report by the World Nuclear Association estimates global nuclear power generation capacity should grow by more than 45% over the next 20 years. The association’s bi-annual 2015 Nuclear Fuel report forecasts global nuclear capacity will grow to 552 gigawatts equivalent (GWe) by 2035 from 379 GWe or roughly 11% of world electricity supply  at the moment.

While electricity demand growth in countries where nuclear power is well-established continues to be slow, the prospects for new reactor build are strong in China, India and Korea as well as in a number of countries in the EU and the Middle East. That means that nuclear electricity output will be growing at the fastest rate in more than 20 years according to the association which started life in 1975 as the Uranium Institute.

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Source: World Nuclear Association,, IntelligenceMine