How mobile technology saves lives

Based on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) latest report, 74% of mining executives surveyed believe the introduction of the technology has saved lives.

The report, which was sponsored by SAP, looks at how mobile technology has transformed the mining industry.

Researchers found that 84% of mining executives have seen an improvement in health and safety after adopting mobile technologies, compared with 60% of utility executives and 54% of oil and gas executives. They have also increased productivity by limiting the number of costly production stoppages and by speeding inspections and maintenance.

However, mining companies have so far lagged behind oil and gas and utility industries in using mobile technology. Radios are more likely to be used in mines than smartphones or handheld computers, according to the survey.

“Mining regulators and managers have been slow to deploy mobile technologies, which is not surprising given the hazardous conditions they work in. But it is because it is so hazardous that they have so much to gain. Where they have been introduced, we have seen a safer and more productive workforce – and this is starting to win people over,” says Riva Richmond, the editor of the report.

Click here to access the full report. 


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