How earth’s early critters transformed the planet’s crust

30cm-long Paradoxides, which is a very large trilobite, from Wales. (Image by Sedgwick Museum).

A recent study by scientists at the University of Cambridge shows that the diversification of life on earth, which took place around 500 million years ago, led to a drastic change in the chemistry of the planet’s crust—the uppermost layer we walk on and, crucially, the layer which provides many of the nutrients essential to life.

The paper, which appeared in the journal Science Advances, explains that following the so-called Cambrian explosion, quantities of the life-giving nutrient phosphorus tripled in crustal rocks—a change that supported the continued expansion of life on earth.

Using a database of information on ancient rocks, which has been compiled by scientists across the globe, the Cambridge researchers built a map to show how the chemistry of earth’s crust has fluctuated over the last 3000 million years. They found that, following the increase in phosphorus at the time of the Cambrian explosion, the contents of this key nutrient in crustal rocks have continued to grow up until the present day.

“From about 540 million years onwards, we see that life transformed the composition of the upper part of earth’s crust,” Oliver Shorttle, co-author of the study, said in a media statement. “This shows how the development of life can influence the growth of further life, and in turn how much life a planet can go on to support.”

Locked up in minerals

Life in all its varied forms—from the prodigious whale to minute plankton—relies on six key ingredients: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur. The researchers investigated phosphorus because it is not only universally needed by life, but also difficult to tap into because it is locked up in minerals inside the planet’s crust.

“Phosphorus is also thought to be one of the nutrients that limit the amount of life that can exist in the oceans,” Shorttle said.

According to the researcher, by mapping out phosphorus in rocks through time, he and his colleagues could identify how much of this element is available to life, and, by extension, get an idea of how much life has existed on the planet.

Unlike carbon and nitrogen, which are key constituents of our atmosphere, phosphorus must be extracted from rocks before life forms can use it. The process starts with the breakdown of rocks due to interactions with rainwater—releasing phosphate which is then washed by rivers into the oceans. Once in the oceans, phosphorus is metabolized by organisms such as plankton or eukaryotic algae, which are then consumed by larger animals higher up the food chain.

When these organisms die, most of the phosphorus is returned to the oceans. This efficient recycling process is a key control on the amount of total phosphorus in the ocean, which in turn supports life.

O2’s big role

All of this biological reprocessing power relies on oxygen. This is what fuels the bacteria responsible for the breakdown of dead organic material that returns phosphorus into the oceans.

The researchers think that a surge in oxygen at around the time of the Cambrian explosion might explain why phosphorus increased in rocks.

“If oxygen did increase at that time, then more oxygen may have been available to break down deep-sea biomass and recycle phosphorus to shallow coastal regions,” Craig Walton, lead author of the article, said. “Moving this phosphorus back towards the land meant it was better preserved in rocks that make up the continents. That series of changes were ultimately responsible for fueling the activity of complex life as we know it.”

Walton noted that, despite these new findings, it is tricky to unravel the sequence of events—whether complex life evolved in part because of increased supplies of oxygen and phosphorus to start with, or if they were in fact fully responsible for increasing availability of both. Thus, he and his team are now looking to investigate the trigger for and timing of this phosphorus enrichment in the crust in more detail.