Here comes the gold iPad Air

Here comes the gold iPad Air

Love it, hate it, or don’t care. Apple is rumoured to be launching a successor to its iPad Air that will come in a gold colour option just like its line of iPhones.

The move, Bloomberg reports, aims to boost sales of its full-size tablets, which are in decline.

Until now, iPads have only been available in a monochromatic colour scheme, but a golden makeover would make the tablets more similar to the Californian company’s new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which come in three colours.

Here comes the gold iPad Air

The new version of tablet is predicted to sport a thinner, more rounded design and based on hidden code in the latest iOS 8.1 beta software, it will feature a Touch ID fingerprint sensor and Apple Pay functionality.

The code, The Guardian reports, says that users can “pay with iPad using Touch ID. With Apple Pay, you no longer need to type card numbers and shipping information.”

Images: Screenshots from Newsy Report.
