Canada has the world’s highest rate of university attendance, but graduates have one of the lowest rates of finding “high skill level” employment... It’s way past time for universities to abandon their ivory towers and consider the needs of employers and the future of their students." /> Canada has the world’s highest rate of university attendance, but graduates have one of the lowest rates of finding “high skill level” employment... It’s way past time for universities to abandon their ivory towers and consider the needs of employers and the future of their students." /> Gwyn Morgan: Canadian universities need to train for highly skilled jobs in mining, forestry, manufacturing, etc. - MINING.COM

Gwyn Morgan: Canadian universities need to train for highly skilled jobs in mining, forestry, manufacturing, etc.

Globe and Mail columnist Gwyn Morgan argues that Canadian Universities maintain an “academic independence” paradigm that keeps graduates from training for highly skilled jobs in mining, aerospace, construction, manufacturing, forestry, and more.

Canada has the world’s highest rate of university attendance, but graduates have one of the lowest rates of finding “high skill level” employment… It’s way past time for universities to abandon their ivory towers and consider the needs of employers and the future of their students.