Great Atlantic triples size of Glenelg vanadium project

Great Atlantic’s 2018 bedrock sample returned 0.33% V2O5, 10.3% TiO2 & 25.7% Fe. (Image courtesy of Great Atlantic Resources).

Great Atlantic Resources (TSXV:GR) tripled the size of its Glenelg vanadium property located in New Brunswick, eastern Canada. 

In a media statement, Great Atlantic said that the property was expanded by additional mineral claim staking to reach 3,500 hectares. 

Glenelg is located 17 kms east of the town of St. Stephen and 15 kms northwest of Great Atlantic’s Mascarene polymetallic property

This staking took place to the west-northwest, covering additional ground reported to be underlain by an intrusive complex that includes gabbro, granodiorite, diorite and granite, areas of reported magnetic anomalies and three gold occurrences. 

“Such magnetic anomalies are interpreted by company management to be targets for vanadium and titanium bearing magnetite-rich rich layers within the complex,” the media brief states. 

According to the Vancouver-based miner, a 2018 grab sample collected from a magnetic layer in the Bocabec Gabbro Complex returned 0.188% vanadium (0.33% V2O5), 10.3% TiO2 and 25.71% iron. 


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