Gold Settles $1.50 Lower Today… ($1336.90)

Today’s session covered a mild $14.60 range compared to yesterday’s $35.30 range. The gold waffled all day between positive and negative for the session. This was due to news and data released throughout the session as traders and investors alike are trying to absorb and decipher all the global data.

Yesterday’s avalanche sell-off was directly linked to indications that the Chinese Central Banks were considering raising their interest rates again…Today the Chairman of the United States – China Economic and Security Review Commission Dan Slane stated the report “reflects the commission’s conclusions that China has failed in some notable area’s to fulfill promises it made nine years ago when it joined the World Trade Organization….This was followed by a recommendation that the U.S Treasury Department label China as a “currency manipulator’ for unfair trade advantages…

Today’s Globex December contract traded over 142,000 contracts. Senator Richard Shelby (Alabama)  told sources that Ben Bernanke is defending the quantitative easing 2 and defended his FED studywhich indicates the QE 2 will add an additional million jobs….

REPORTS: 11/18

EXPORT SALES…………………..7:30 AM (cst)



RESISTANCE # 2………………$1352.00

RESISTANCE # 1………………$1344.00


SUPPORT # 1…………………..$1330.00

SUPPORT # 2…………………..$1322.00

Mike Daly / Gold Specialist


[email protected]



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