Germans give up on getting back their gold held in US
On January 16, 2013 Germany’s central bank, the Bundesbank, said it will ship back home all 374 tonnes it had stored with the Banque de France in Paris, as well as 300 tonnes held in Manhattan by the US Federal Reserve, by 2020.
Fast forward 18 months and Buba, as the Federal Bank of Germany is often called, has only managed to bring home a paltry 37 tonnes of gold.
And a mere 5 tonnes of that came from the US, the rest from Paris. The US Fed holds 45% or roughly $635 billion of the total 3,396 tonnes of gold Germany have in reserve, the world’s second largest hoard.
Needless to say this prompted renewed questions whether Germany’s gold still exists in those Manhattan vaults or if it has been melted down, leased or even sold.
Doubts about the whereabouts of Germany’s gold haven’t gone away but now Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition, has decided to put the matter to rest reports Bloomberg:
“The Americans are taking good care of our gold,” Norbert Barthle, the budget spokesman for Merkel’s Christian Democratic bloc in parliament, said in an interview. “Objectively, there’s absolutely no reason for mistrust.”
Ending talk of repatriating the world’s second-biggest gold reserves removes a potential irritant in U.S.-German relations. It’s also a rebuff to critics including the anti-euro Alternative for Germany party, which says all the gold should return to Frankfurt so it can’t be impounded to blackmail Germany into keeping the currency union together.
The change in policy in the Bundestag has been signposted with another prominent member of Merkel’s Christian Democratic bloc, Juergen Hardt telling reporters in May: “It’s my view that the gold reserves should be stored wherever they might be needed in an emergency.”
When the Bundesbank first launched the repatriation program it was billed as a “trust-building” measure for the German people after rumours that the Fed refused German officials a viewing of the bullion a couple of months earlier.
Executive board member of Frankfurt-based Buba Carl-Ludwig Thiele, in February also tried to assuage German citizens about the now ex-repatriation program.
Thiele said at the time the bank has “enjoyed an excellent relationship of trust with the New York Fed for many decades”:
“I was in New York myself in June 2012 with the colleagues responsible for managing the gold reserves and saw for myself how our money is stored in the vault there. The Americans have never stonewalled or hindered us in any way. On the contrary, their cooperation has been most constructive in every respect. Our internal audit team was present last year during the on-site removal of gold bars and closely monitored everything. The smelting process is also being monitored by independent experts.”
German gold is also held at The Bank of England which stores 13% in London, while the Bank of France in Paris has 11% in total and the remainder is held at the Bundesbank’s headquarters in Frankfurt.
The tonnage that did arrive back in Frankfurt were never shown publicly, but were melted down immediately to bring the bullion to the “current bar standard” according to Buba’s explanation.
This created further suspicions about the true origin of the bullion, but Thiele answered that prior to transportation, the original gold bars were handed over to the German bank in New York:
“Our internal audit team checked the numbers of the bars there and then against its own lists. The very same gold arrived at the European gold smelters that we had commissioned. This ought to demonstrate to everyone that such conspiracy theories are completely unfounded.”
In May Austria, perhaps unnerved by Germany’s experience with their bullion and mindful of Brown’s Bottom, sent a team of auditors to check on gold held by the Bank of England.
Only 17% of Austria’s 280 tonnes of gold reserves are held inside the European nation with the Bank of England holding the bulk or some 150 tonnes worth more than $6.2 billion.
In November 2011, Venezuela repatriated some 180 tonnes of gold held in vaults in London and elsewhere to store it with the Caracas central bank under orders from late President Hugo Chavez.
Image by digital cat
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Pure BS. Germans got shanked in the back by the USSA again!
Esteban Caballo
So, let me see if I have this straight: the Germans asked for their gold back, they didn’t get it, now they are saying they don’t actually want it back…they were just fooling around, that’s all. Why would anyone find this story fishy? I mean, their argument that the gold is perfectly safe in American hands makes perfect sense to me…..they probably could not trust their own banks to look after the gold as well as US banks so obviously can…..they look after it so well that no one can get their hands on it – not even the Germans.
The gold is gone, of course. Auf Wiedersehen…
William Burke
Gone. Yes, absolutely. Stolen. But no worry, the Gerrys are cool with it…. Wow!!
No the people are not cool with it but they cannot speak out due to the severe censor ship there.
Privately ( ha ha) there is growing fear that they are under a new form of Weimar.
Yes it took a boat or plane to a seacoast sliver of land on the medeterranian under a guard who is mossyhide.
The Angela is a zio puppet. Chavez saw the writing on the wall and
happily saved his nations reserves. Too late now for any ANY nation
who requests their gold stores returned. There are none It was all
sent to the sliver of land on the Mediterranian where gold and any
form of money is sucked up,
Germans have not given up on their gold, their tightly controlled ziogovernment
all its toadys and press will claim the people have given up and
the people grumble only behind closed doors which record every
breath and sniffle.
The people have NO choices anymore in Germany and most nations.
is the Ft. Knox gold. Why are NO audits allowed ? Where did those
trucks full of gold bars go when they drove out of the ruins of
the WTC
a couple of days after the blow ups there? There were
records of the gold stores and even photos of those trucks leaving
Ground Zero but all scrubbed from net access?
WHY, and where were those trucks driven and why have no drivers ever come forward?
Obama order all German gold shipped to Kenya.
Germany got their remaining 5 tons, the balance of 630 tons was storage and insurance charges.
Typical of the usury imposed by those shylocks.
The gold was found in my back yard last night by the neighbors dog. They can send me money for shipping and I will be happy to return it.
long gone
The head of the campaign to return Germany’s gold says the article is garbage. Read the comments at the bottom of this article:
Ok, let’s assume for a moment that all is fine repatriating only a percentage of your gold is acceptable…Why though does it take until 2020 to get back the 50% you “settled” for? I mean, I think one secure flight of a few hours would have it all back?
I was reading articles many months ago about this repatriation, saying that this gold is not going ever to go back to Germany as USA used it long time ago, given that its financial system is bankrupt. It is incredible though to read something like this going on not amongst little dictatorships in Africa, but between the main economic powers of the Western civilisation : USA and Germany! It is really scary what awaits us, probably not too far into the future. Luckily I am over 50 and I had a good run, but I fear for the younger generations ; unfortunately they were brainwashed by leftoid teachers unions everywhere in the Western world to believe in virtual reality (and that “everything is the same” and “everybody is right in his own way” and that “2+2 can be 6”). Unfortunately they will discover in a painful way that 2+2 is always 4 and that if monies are not based on real value (including gold) they are just useless, worthless paper, so the wake-up will be really painful.
Does anyone really think the Jews in NY will give the Germans their gold back.
Not likely
timothy price
Don’t have a clue whether or not this is a fact, and going to happen, but it sure gives me hope.
RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY
Robert Zraick
The gold is most likely in the vaults of the Rothschild’s or the Rockefeller’s or any of the other banking families who are the private owner of the FED.
The print counterfeit money to put us in debt and then they steal all the real wealth.
They have been at this particular scam for about a century now. Soon they will have it all and we will be starving as slaves.
How can people be so stupid?
Alexandra Ormsby
It is obvious to me that the U.S. has probably sold the gold to pay our bills. Can’t believe this can be done on the international level, it sure is a mystery.
Naseer Ahmad
The Italians at least had the brains to hold on to theirs.
Across the street at the same level underground is the worlds largest private bank gold storage vault. They just push it back and forth when a country wants to see the gold via secret tunnel.
Allen Victor Cox
So USA are to be Trusted eh! Is that a Joke Just look at its History and you think this Regime is trustworthy? Just look at most recent meddling and Lies Ukraine?
Take 9-11 alone and the lies and deceit that surround this False Flag then think back Bay of Tonkin HMS Liberty Benghazi cover up still left under Cloak of Slience just as Malysian Airliner MH17 has become another False flag to Demonize Russia
thank goodness the opposite wasn’t true: Germany couldn’t cough up American gold – that nation would be in smoking ruins
soros oria
The Americans have been spying far into the German government and now Angela is asking the public to “trust” the Americans? Hellooooo. More likely the US is not cooperating with those who want their gold repatriated as it might cause a panic towards gold as an alternate currency and deflate the greenback overnight. Still, it’s time Fort Knox is more forthcoming and less evasive if trust is to be restored.
When did we get this gold? Why did Germany ask us to keep it?
With honest leaders like the Bush family and the Clintons there’s no funny business going on at all . I don’t know why anybody would think otherwise …. Anybody buy that ?
“The smelting process is also being monitored by independent experts.” Why?If its already in bars.Coins? are produced by the U.S mint then sold to the Reserve. Fishy is an understatement.
Robert McCallister
Robert McCallister
Robert McCallister
Very disturbing isn’t it can’t trust your own government especially the Federal Reserve and the banks in this country
allan Kaplan
Biggest ripoff of our American government is not only the small amount of gold of Germany but thousands of tons of gold bullion of the former President of Philippines Ferdinand Marcos that consisted of several gold deposits between the USA, Europe, the Middle East and many Asian banks. In addition, all the gold we looted from Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yamen, Afghanistan, Mexico, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, and all those countries we invaded illegally only to steal their gold and other national treasures etc. Marco’s gold still sits in the Fort Knox along with the gold vaults of the City Bank, Deutsch Bank, Dresdner Bank, Swiss Banks, Bank of America and dozens of other American and the European banks. When a powerful ally like Germany can’t get their gold upon their demand, can anyone imagine if any of the above Asian countries stand a chance to get their gold back from the criminal cabal ruling the mafia of Washington DC? Very large quantity of gold from the American banks is already transferred to Israel and this is one of the reason that we Americans kiss Israel’s ass
Let’s be real here, the gold is safe and sound in Israel. No doubt about it.