Geosoft hosts open house and client appreciation event at its new corporate headquarters

November 12, 2009 – Geosoft welcomed more than 100 guests at an open house and client appreciation event held at its new corporate headquarters located in the historical Queens Quay Terminal in Toronto, Canada.

“We’re delighted to show our appreciation to customers and welcome them to Geosoft’s new home base in North America. Our new offices provide an open and flexible environment that is supportive of collaboration, which has been the hallmark of Geosoft relationships with our clients and partners.” said Lorraine Godwin, Business Manager for North America.

Dr. Norman Paterson, founder of Paterson, Grant & Watson and Jon Baird, CAMESE Director and PDAC President were among the community leaders, clients and partners who toured the new offices, and helped to mark the occasion.

Guest speaker Jon Baird spoke on the state of the mining industry, and the need for innovation and new approaches during these tough times.

Dr. Paterson, a Canadian Mining Hall of Fame Inductee, known worldwide for his innovations in geophysical technology and techniques was recognized for his contributions as an explorer, and his early support of Geosoft. He was presented with a 10 year Geosoft service pin and the Dr. Norman Paterson Room was dedicated in his honour.

Each of 5 meeting rooms in the Geosoft’s new offices was dedicated in honour of an international explorer. The other explorers recognized were: Nelson Mandela, Sir Ernest Shackelton, Sir Edmund Hillary and Monteiro Lobato.

In closing remarks, Ian MacLeod, CTO and founder of Geosoft reflected on the waves of technology and their impact on the explorer community; starting with the personal computer wave in the early eighties that jumpstarted Geosoft to develop exploration software to the current wave where exploration information is managed on networks with servers. MacLeod also cast a vision for the next technology wave which would see Geosoft connecting with clients and their workflows via Internet web services, cloud computing and broader digital collaboration.

“Building this shared and interconnected future with explorers is truly motivating for all of us at Geosoft,” said MacLeod.