FUN BREAK: Geologist unmasks Mayan ‘apocalypse’ myth

Doomsayers may be relieved to read the latest posts by geologist Wayne Sedawie, who for years travelled and investigated ancient Mayan sites. According to him and several other experts, the Maya civilization did not really mark its calendar for the end of the world on December 21, 2012.

In fact, Sedawie adds, the apocalyptic prophecy that has inspired authors and filmmakers is not revealed in the tall T-shaped stone calendar carved by Mayans around the year 669 in southeastern Mexico.

His opinion matches Mexican government archaeologist Alfredo Barrera’s findings.  Who recently told the Daily Mail that Mayans tried to make predictions, but they were about more everyday events, such as droughts, rain or harvests.

Only a couple of references to the 2012 date equivalency have been found carved in stone at Mayan sites, and neither refer to an apocalypse, the expert told the Daily Mail.

After studying the geology in former Mayan land, the civilization’s history Sedawie concludes that the ancient Mayan stone recounts the life and battles of a ruler from that era.

Besides, he adds, the last date on the calendar is actually December 23, 2012, not the 21st, and “it simply marks the end of a cycle.”

So no need to build giant arks because the floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions depicted in the Hollywood blockbuster 2012 were not prophesied by the Mayans.

What they did anticipate, say experts quoted by AFP, is that the earth still has quite a few years left, as some of their ancient stones refer to the year 7000.