IMAGE GALLERY: Life in Tumbler Ridge during the early ’90s

Steve Gill. Photo from Ron Lukey.

Ron Lukey posted some stunning black and white portraits of people living and working in Tumbler Ridge two decades ago.

Hello to Tumbler Ridge people. My wife Helene and I lived there in the 80’s and 90’s. We had two kids there. This is a gallery of my T.R./Quintette/Bullmoose Mining pictures taken between 1992 and 1997. The negatives have been in storage all these years waiting for I’m not sure what. Well I’ve scanned them in, the good, the bad and otherwise (I have a separate gallery for the otherwise). The images are loosely grouped leading off with images of John Terry, a very gracious man for allowing me to take his picture. Next there is a grouping of Quintette people shots then Bullmoose people shots. Next come a variety of active mining shots then static mining shots. Finally a group of artistic shots then a few Tumbler Ridge shots.

Quintette Mine operated up to 2000. It is currently under care and maintenance.

View photo gallery.

Cindy Bennett. Photo from Ron Lukey