Four thousand protesters march in Bucharest over Rosia Montana

Image posted on Twitter by @CanadaSaveRosia

Protests against Europe’s would-be largest gold mine hit their fifth straight week on Sunday, showing that opponents are nowhere near losing force.

Thousands of people gathered in London and Bucharest on Sunday in a show of opposition against mine plans.

Protesters are battling Canadian company Gabriel Resources (TSX:GBU) over its proposed Rosia Montana gold mine project in Transylvania. Romanians are concerned over the firm’s plans to use cyanide and other environmental impacts of mining.

Earlier this month the Romanian government established a commission to produce a report by October 20th. The Parliament will then vote in November. The President has also proposed holding a referendum.

Fox News reports that 4,000 people marched in Bucharest.

Meanwhile, hundreds also gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square, the Independent Reports. 

Gabriel Resources has responded to the government’s hesitancy by threatening to sue for $4 billion.