For sale: used 20-bedroom oil platform with heli-pad and panoramic views

Statoil, the Norwegian state-owned energy company, is selling an oil platform to the highest bidder.

The Huldra platform is located off the coast of Norway, about 16 miles from the Veslefrikk field.

A slightly over-the-top ad is on the company’s website extolling the virtues of oil platform ownership:

Only your imagination limits what it can be used for.

It has worked as a production platform for the Huldra field, which is a field with high pressure and high temperature. This means that the platform is solidly built and able to cope with challenging circumstances.

The platform is designed for a longer session than 15 years, and production facilities, both topside and jacket are still in good technical condition.

The buyer is responsible for towing the oil platform to a new location