FLSmidth joins responsible copper production framework

(Image courtesy of FLSmidth).

Mining equipment and technology provider FLSmidth announced that it has joined the Copper Mark, an international framework established to demonstrate the copper industry’s responsible production practices and its contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Danish company’s participation in this initiative means that its copper suppliers may now be requested to join specific programs that support the responsible sourcing of the red metal.

In a press release, FLSmidth said that it will also encourage suppliers to consider taking part in the Copper Mark Assurance Framework.

“FLSmidth actively supports improvements in environmental, social and governance outcomes in all aspects of the copper value chain,” the firm said in a media statement. “As both an enabler of sustainable mining and a company which sources copper for our products, joining the Copper Mark is a natural step for FLSmidth.”

FLSmidth also pointed out that the final goal is to advance its ‘MissionZero’ objective, which consists of supporting, enabling and working with mining customers so they can move towards zero energy, zero water waste and zero emissions by 2030.