Five people dead in rockslide accident in Mexico

Landslide in Dengantzha. Photo by Provincial Government of Hidalgo.

Five bodies were recovered from a collapsed marble and limestone mine in the town of Dengantzha, located in the Hidalgo state in central Mexico.

After a three-day search effort, rescue workers found this weekend the body of a 60-year-old local shepherd who was visiting his friends at the site when the accident happened.

The landslide, which authorities say brought down some 300 tonnes of rocks, took place on Thursday around 1 p.m. Seven people were in the quarry when the avalanche came rolling down on them but only three were able to escape. According to local media, some of the victims were as young as 16 years old.

Local newspapers also report that the mine is owned by the community. It is presumed that the landslide was originated by a heavy-load truck when it drove around one of the poorly-built roads that surround the mine.