First Dinotshi trucks arrive at Lonmin’s Marikana

Lonmin is pleased to announce that the first Dinothsi trucks have arrived at the Group’s Marikana operations to begin ore transportation.

In August 2007, Lonmin signed a five year ore transport contract with Dinotshi Transport Holding (Proprietary) Limited (“Dinotshi”) with a total value of around R170 million (assuming all performance conditions are satisfied). The contract illustrates Lonmin’s continued commitment to supporting local suppliers from the communities around its mines. Dinotshi has been formed by a consortium of African Olive Pty Ltd (48%), Max Returns Investments Pty Ltd (26%) and Jakavula Investments Pty Ltd (26%). African Olive and Max Returns represent members of the Greater Lonmin Community including the Bapo Ba Mogale community.  The arrival of the first Dinotshi trucks marks a key milestone under this contract and an important step in the growth of Dinotshi as a company and a supplier to Lonmin….more at Mineweb.