FET Colleges should Close Skills Gap in South African Mining Sector

Miningweekly.com reports that, according to Prof. Fred Cawood (University of Witwatersrand (Wits) School of Mining Engineering), the skills gap that the South African mining sector is facing, should be addressed by further education and training (FET) colleges. He suggests that every mining region should have a FET mining school.

Professional services firm Grant Thornton corporate finance director and head of mining advisory services Steven Kilfoil agrees, adding that artisanal and engineering skills are lacking in the mining sector and FET colleges need to provide these skills.

“Government also needs to step in, through FETs, to assist with the supply of artisan-type skills that are required for mechanisation. It will not only assist in securing the future of the mining industry but will also support the entire economy because of the transportability of such skills to other sectors of the economy,” says Cawood.