Female killed after Land Cruiser collides with coal truck

A female mine worker was killed at Glencore’s Ravensworth open pit coal mine in New South Wales on Saturday night when the Toyota Land Cruiser she was driving was crushed by a coal truck.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the deceased driver failed to heed warning signs while approaching a T intersection. The 38-year-old driver was instantly killed after her truck got wedged in the coal hauler’s back axle.

Recovery of the body took four hours. The driver of the coal truck was treated for shock. Workers on the site are being offered counselling.

The accident happened just before midnight on Saturday. The open pit coal mine is located 20 km north west of Singleton, New South Wales.

Mine operations are cancelled while the accident is investigated.

ravensworth open pit

The open pit coal mine is located 20 km north west of Singleton, New South Wales.

The New South Wales government says the police and three inspectors from NSW Trade & Investment’s Mine Safety Investigation Unit are investigating the incident. A coroner will file a report on the accident.

Resource Minister Chris Hartcher offered his condolences.

“As NSW Minister for Resources, I would like to personally extend my condolences to the families, co-workers and employers of those involved in this tragic accident.”
