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Feasibility study launched for 200,000 tpa coking coal facility in Colombia

A project by Colombia Clean Power & Fuels Inc. to build a 200,000 tpa coking coal facility in Colombia has been given the green light by a Chinese consultancy firm. Chief Operating Officer Graham Chapman spoke to on Wednesday. Listen to the podcast.

The plant would utilize new coking coal technology manufactured in China by US-based Colombia Clean Power & Fuels.

Hong Kong Dongshi Coal Chemistry Engineering Consultancy & Management Co., Ltd. (“Dongshi”) analyzed the proposed equipment and technology, the characteristics of Colombian coal identified as feedstock, and proposed initial sites that are under review and analysis by CCPF.  The results of the study indicate that the facility is both technically and economically feasible. Dongshi also concluded that the proposed facility conforms to the Colombian government development policies and plans and will likely enhance the coal chemical industrial development in Colombia.

Colombia Clean Power anticipates about 300,000 tonnes of coal feedstock will be needed to feed the new coke plant, which would be the first of several planned. The coal would come from a combination ofgreenfieldand existing small mines; in some cases CCPF will purchase coking coal from other local producers for blending and to ensure a consistent supply. In May the company purchased 3300 hectares of coal concessions near the town of Otanchein the District of Boyaca, with two areas already permitted for mining.

Listen to a podcast, with CCPF Chief Operating Officer Graham Chapman.
