Fatigue Science launches platform for insights into worker fatigue

Worker safety software Image from Fatigue Science.

Fatigue Science, a global provider of predictive human performance data, has launched ReadiAnalytics, a first-of-its-kind analytics platform.

ReadiAnalytics delivers real-time, validated, and objective insights into workforce fatigue levels and its root causes.

Fatigue management has emerged as a priority for companies, as leaders now recognize a correlation between fatigue levels and productivity

Fatigue management has emerged as a priority for companies, as leaders now recognize a correlation between fatigue levels and productivity and seek data on the fatigue levels of their workforce.

ReadiAnalytics was designed specifically to meet this need and to help achieve fatigue reduction goals. The analytics suite delivers actionable insights tailored to the needs of operations teams, leadership, supervisors, and health and safety staff.

“Our customers today have operational data flowing from nearly every asset in their operation: trucks, pipes, shovels, and pumps all generate millions of data points each day. However, most industrial firms lack objective performance data relating to their most valuable asset: their workforce,” Andrew Morden, president and CEO of Fatigue Science, said in a release.

“Now with ReadiAnalytics, firms no longer have to guess when and where fatigue is present, or how significant it is. The validated data is right there in the dashboard, on-demand.”

ReadiAnalytics captures anonymous sleep data from a sample of workers on each crew and then processes it alongside a variety of circadian factors with a validated biomathematical model.

The model then reveals which crews are the most and least fatigued on duty, and how that fatigue is trending over time as their shift pattern progresses.

Worker privacy is preserved, as insights are anonymized and aggregated at the crew, site, and company levels. ReadiAnalytics also reveals the root causes of this fatigue. It segments the portion that is attributable to structural factors, like schedules, and human factors, such as sleep health and habits.

“Reducing fatigue, fortunately, is one of those rare opportunities where improving worker’s health also maximizes productivity,” Morden added.

ReadiAnalytics is a device-agnostic platform, interpreting sleep data from compatible sleep trackers, including the ReadiBand from Fatigue Science as well as from other devices, including Fitbit and Garmin. Readi utilizes SAFTE, the world’s leading biomathematical fatigue model developed by the U.S. Army Research Lab.

ReadiAnalytics is launching with deployments at several major global mining firms, with more scheduled for the coming weeks. All existing clients of Fatigue Science will receive 90 days of free access to the new platform.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)