Posts by International Mining:

International Mining – powerless for a day

Power blackouts are, sadly, becoming all too common in what is considered to be the developed world. At about 1 AM this morning (UK time), such a problem hit the town in which International Mining is based. We were without power until around 7 PM this evening - a total shutdown of some 18 hours, [...]

Fourth International Conference on Mine Closure

Mining and conservation are often considered to be incompatible land uses. Yet, economically important mineral deposits often occur in areas with high biodiversity and therefore, high conservation value. The challenge then is for mining companies to maintain or enhance the conservation value of these sites, especially with regard to rehabilitation or restoration after mining. One such [...]

CiDRA expands into the oil sands

On June 28, 2008, CiDRA - a company with a focus on flow technologies - announced plans to address the company’s continued expansion of its oil sands business in the Athabasca region of Alberta, Canada through a newly created subsidiary corporation, CiDRA Oilsands. Since it began serving the oil sands industry in 2003, CiDRA has [...]

OzMine09 in Jakarta an outstanding success

“The OzMine09 Conference and Exhibition held in the Hotel Mulia in Jakarta, Indonesia was an outstanding success,” reports Geoffrey Gold, CEO, Gold Group Asia/Pacific. The number of visitors jumped substantially from around 400 in 2008 event to over 1,200 this year and exhibitors reported meeting “genuine people invited to do business” and being “delighted with [...]

FEI introduces new scanning electron microscope

FEI, a leading provider of atomic-scale imaging and analysis systems, has released the QuantaTM 50 Series scanning electron microscope (SEM), which offers a combination of performance and versatility over a wide range of samples. “The new Quanta 50 Series is one of the most versatile SEMs currently available,” said Daniel Phifer, Product Marketing Manager, FEI. [...]

Newmont releases independent community relationships review

Newmont Mining today released the results of an independent, 18-month global review of its ability to manage relationships with local communities.  The Community Relationships Review (CRR) and supporting documents are publicly available at It was in April 2007 that Newmont’s board recommended that shareholders vote in favor of a resolution sponsored by Christian Brothers Investment [...]

WRI guide helps extractive companies work with local communities

Natural-resources extractive companies are profiting financially and socially when they consult with affected communities before and during the construction of projects. “Rio Tinto and De Beers, for example, have negotiated agreements with communities to avoid harm and provide benefits. In so doing, they have gained local support for projects, and communities have seized opportunities for [...]

CRCMining awarded A$2.2 million grant from ACARP

CRCMining, an Australian research centre, has been awarded a total of A$2.2 million in grants from the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP). The company’s Vice President for Mining Research, Professor Paul Lever said the funding will assist six new and continuing research projects. The grants cover a wide range of projects; including continuing research [...]

Callidan Instruments breaks into Russian market with MoistScan

Callidan Instruments, with help from Moscow based Instrumentation Company Konvels, has introduced its MoistScan® online microwave moisture technology to a wide range of industries in Russia. Many gauges have been purchased for online moisture analysis and control, with applications including iron ore, coal concentrate and mineral salts.

Steady focus at major mining events – PDAC, SME and Indaba

Editor/publisher John Chadwick and others of the team are just back from the SME meeting in Denver last week and the PDAC this week. Neither were as strong as last year but, importantly, the PDAC was not awash with doom and gloom. It was attended by both optimists and those with a little less joyous view [...]

US Government approves Active Control’s wireless mesh communication and tracking system

The US Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has approved Active Control Technology’s (ACT) ActiveMineTM wireless Wi-Fi mesh network system. ActiveMine, a wireless voice communications and locating system for mines, is now cleared for installation in all US underground mines. The Wi-Fi mesh network is capable of handling voice communications, streaming video, real-time tracking and operational data. [...]