Posts by Reuters:

Saskatchewan’s potash royalties won’t change for four years

Reuters reports that Saskatchewan's provincial election results have ensured stability of potash revenues for the next four years. Premier Wall has promised to leave potash royalties paid to the province by major producers unchanged for the next governing term, in contrast to the NDP, which wanted to raise them. Saskatchewan is the home base of Potash Corp of Saskatchewan and its rivals Mosaic Co and Agrium Inc also have potash mines in the province.

Opposition grows to Newmont’s $4.8 bln Peru mine

Political and community leaders in Peru's Cajamarca region demanded on Wednesday that Newmont Mining abandon its $4.8 billion Conga project and said the central government's efforts to broker a truce had failed.

Alrosa plans $400 mln bond to fund deal with VTB

Russian state-owned diamond miner Alrosa plans to issue Eurocommercial paper (ECP) worth $400 million to finance a deal with the country's second largest lender VTB , Alrosa President Fyodor Andreyev said. Alrosa, the secretive state diamond monopo...

U.S. study suggests pricing carbon from ground to consumer

To measure a country's greenhouse emissions from fossil fuels, it makes sense to consider the whole carbon supply chain, from oil well or coal mine to a consumer's shelf, scientists reported on Monday. Currently, putting a price on climate-warm...

Areva eyes industrial partnerships for mining unit

PARIS, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Areva is considering partnerships with industrial groups to allow those to buy stakes in the mining business of the state-controlled nuclear group, Areva's chief executive told a parliamentary hearing.