Posts by Richard Mills - Ahead of the Herd:

Congo and cobalt critical

Only four metals, or element groups, made the list for the American Physical Society, Materials Research Society and the US Department of Energy's uncatalogued for 'critical metals': Rare Earth elements, platinum group metals, lithium and cobalt.

Golden bullshine

In 2001 and 2002 miners were producing gold for sub-$180 cash costs - the operational cost of the mine divided by the ounces of production. Data from GFMS shows world gold production costs for the first half of 2009 averaged $457/oz.

The red queen syndrome

All through human evolution we have been harnessing increasingly effective forms of energy. From human power to horse power, to wood, coal, natural gas and uranium what we’ve been doing is searching for the highest energy density to make energy production more efficient.

Chasing the rainbow

Prospectors are today still scouring the bush, in remote, and not so remote places – chasing the rainbow and its pot of gold - looking for the next discovery. Alaska, Yukon and British Columbia are still vast and under explored places.