Posts by IDEX Online:

GIA Creates 4Cs App for Consumers and Retailers

In a bid to educate and engage consumers on the 4Cs, the GIA just released an iPad app for consumers. A retailer version of this app, designed to be used at point of sale, is also downloadable free from GIA’s retailer support site.

Belgium’s Polished Trade Slows in October

Belgium increased its polished diamond stocks in October, according to the latest official figures. At the same time, trade was at a lower level by most parameters compared to business in September or year-over-year.

PGI-USA Launches Dedicated Press Website

Platinum Guild International USA (PGI-USA) yesterday (Wednesday) announced the launch of a dedicated press website, The association is calling on jewelry designers to submit their platinum product photos and press materials for consid...

Rough, Polished Prices Rise In Mumbai

Both rough and polished diamond have risen in Mumbai. Rough prices have gone up by between 8- and 10 percent, while polished prices have firmed up between 2 and 5 percent.

More Plan to Buy Jewelry this Holiday Season

The number of Americans who will make purchases in more discretionary gift categories is rising, with people planning to purchase more jewelry - 21.2 percent vs. 20.3 percent last year, according to a recent survey.