Time-preference and gold This is the starting-point for understanding the true relationship between paper currency and gold, now that gold is no longer circulating as money. GoldMoney | January 3, 2014 | 5:42 pm
Unsound money and the gold price Gold is 36% undervalued considering the growth in fiat money quantity since the collapse of Lehman Brothers. GoldMoney | January 1, 2014 | 7:58 pm
Tapering: Join the dots and end up with ZIRP The Fed showed through its FOMC statement yesterday it has little control over events, something that should dawn on markets in the coming days. GoldMoney | December 19, 2013 | 5:35 pm
GoldMoney market report It has been a difficult week for the precious markets as gold dropped by 3.2% and silver by 3.9% which means that gold and silver are now back to price levels last seen in July and August respectively. GoldMoney | November 22, 2013 | 6:49 pm
James Turk retires as GoldMoney chairman Turk will now have time to work on his book. GoldMoney | November 19, 2013 | 5:37 am