Posts by Globe and Mail:

Mosaic stock dips on lower production outlook

Shares of Mosaic Co. (MOS-N50.430.150.30%) dipped Thursday in the first trading since the U.S. fertilizer company with big operations and profile in Saskatchewan cut its production outlook for phosphate over the next few months.

Two-month tax decision pushes Keystone ‘to the brink’

TransCanada Corp.’s (TRP-T44.100.050.11%) controversial Keystone XL pipeline faces a growing risk of rejection after U.S. congressional leaders reached a deal late Thursday for a vote on a payroll tax bill that would force President Barack Obama to make a quick decision about the pipeline’s fate.

Warburg Pincus sees oil sands opportunity

Warburg Pincus LLC, one of the world’s oldest and largest private equity firms, wants to do more deals in Canada’s oil sands. In a rare interview, Charles (Chip) Kaye, co-president of the New York-based firm, said he thinks the U.S. government’s decision to postpone approval of TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline was shortsighted. And it will in no way diminish Warburg Pincus’s appetite for oil sands investments.

AngloGold gains 20 pct stake in Mariana

Mariana Resources Ltd. (MRY-T0.210.0743.33%) has agreed to sell a nearly 20-per-cent stake in the mining company to AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. for about $8.5-million (U.S.) through a private placement.

Native community resists BC premier’s China-backed coal-mine plans

The Globe & Mail reports this week, British Columbia premier Christy Clark announced during her China trade mission that she has secured $860 million in financing to build a coal mine in northeast BC near Hudson’s Hope which will eventually create 4,800 jobs. What Clark didn’t mention is the hitch: The proposed Gething mine would be built in the West Moberly First Nation’s territory. The province knows full well that the native band – one of a small number with a treaty in BC – opposes the plan.

MF Globals demise felt by commodities exchanges

The most dramatic effect of MF Global’s bankruptcy is being felt on the other side of the world from the company’s New York offices. Sheep farmers in Australia woke up on Tuesday morning to discover their wool futures market had closed down.