Posts by Jack Caldwell:

Coal Black Santorum and His Wealth

Here is one way to make money from mining that I have not hitherto thought of: do what Rick Santorum did.  It is described in a report at this link thus: Santorum did not register as a lobbyist, but he aided corporate and other interests as a consultant. He was paid $142,500 by Consol Energy, a [...]

Mining Investment EduMine Webcast

Over the years on this blog and elsewhere I have written about mining investment.  In particular, I wrote a course for EduMine called Mining Investment – Understanding the Risks.  The course has proven to be popular, and now the folk at EduMine have persuaded me to give the course as a live webcast.  The webcast is planned [...]

Cooking for miners, eating at mines

Most mines have a place where the miners eat. Let us celebrate the cooks at these places by telling of the many fine meals we have enjoyed in these mining canteens.

Xstrata tailings dam failure imminent?

This must be every miners nightmare: contradicting opinions on the safety of your tailings facility.  At this link is a report that is not all that specific about the technical issues, but pretty clear about the debate. 

Obama, Keystone, and USA-Canadian mining jobs

The news wires are abuzz with the announcement that Obama has caved into his party's environmental wing and killed the Keystone pipeline that would have carried Canadian oil to the refineries along the Gulf coast.