Posts by Casey Research:

Ten percent yields without buying a single stock?

The average interest rate for a savings account today is 0.45%. It wasn't that long ago that one could easily earn 5% in a well-chosen savings account, like those offered by ING Direct, or bump that up by a point or two by putting money away in a CD.

Rare earth investment update

We've received a number of inquiries from Casey Research subscribers about our opinion on the current rare earth metals market. We have covered this topic previously, but this article, we'll take a fresh look.

Why not thorium?

The Fukushima disaster reminded us all of the dangers inherent in uranium-fueled nuclear reactors.

Don’t frack me up

To many walking the planet, fracking has a seriously bad reputation. Thanks to hyperbole and misinformation, fracking opponents have convinced a lot of people that the operators who drill and then hydraulically fracture underground rock layers thumb their noses at and even hate the environment.

When will silver make a new high?

In last week's Metals, Mining, and Money, Jeff Clark estimated that given the magnitude of the correction that started last September, it may take until May 2012 for gold to reach a new high.

Why has gold been down?

After all, in spite of some short-term fixes, there remains no real resolution to the sovereign debt issues in many European countries.

What gold supply crunch?

We have reported on changes in global gold demand, from booming investment demand in Asia to European and US debt concerns that have re-solidified gold's long tenure as the ultimate safe-haven asset for turbulent times.